Access Doris Cluster

Doris Cluster’s external service is exposed through the FE component, including SQL interaction and the Web UI.

The Service can be configured with different types based on the scenario, such as ClusterIP, NodePort, etc., each having different access methods.

You can obtain Doris FE Service information using the following command:

kubectl get svc ${serviceName} -n ${namespace}

For example:

kubectl get svc basic-fe -n default
NAME       TYPE       CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                         AGE
basic-fe   NodePort   <none>        8030:31851/TCP,9030:31068/TCP   3d2h

The above example describes the information of the basic-fe service under the default namespace. The type is NodePort, ClusterIP is, and the ServicePort is 8030 and 9030. The corresponding NodePorts are 31851 and 31068.


ClusterIP exposes the service via an internal IP within the cluster. When choosing this service type, you can only access it within the cluster using the following methods:

  • ClusterIP + ServicePort
  • Service domain name (${serviceName}.${namespace}) + ServicePort

You can directly access the Doris cluster on your local machine through kubectl port-forward:

kubectl port-forward -n ${namespace} svc/doris-fe 9030:9030 

Access through mysql-client:

mysql -h localhost -P9030 -u root -p


NodePort exposes the service using the node’s IP and a static port. By accessing NodeIP + NodePort, you can access a NodePort service from outside the cluster.

To view the Node Ports allocated by the Service, you can use the following command to get information about Doris Service object:

kubectl -n ${namespace} get svc ${cluster_name}-fe -ojsonpath="{.spec.ports[?('query-port')].nodePort}{'\n'}"