Get Started

This document introduces how to create a simple Kubernetes cluster and use it to deploy a basic test Doris cluster usingDoris Operator.

This document is for demonstration purposes only. Do not follow it in production environments. For deployment in production environments, refer to the instructions in See also.

Step 1: Create a test Kubernetes

kind is suitable for running a local Kubernetes cluster using Docker containers.

Install kind and kubectl with the following commands:

Create a Kubernetes cluster:

kind create cluster

Check whether the Kubernetes cluster was created successfully:

kubectl cluster-info

Step 2: Deploy Doris Operator

Doris Operator supports two installation methods: Kustomized and Helm. It is recommended to use Kustomized for installation.

Install Doris Operator:

mkdir doris-operator
flux pull artifact oci:// --output ./doris-operator/
kubectl apply -k doris-operator

To confirm that the Doris Operator components are running, run the following command:

kubectl get pods -n doris-operator-system

Once all the Pods are in the “Running” state, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Deploy a Doris cluster and monitor

  • Deploy Doris Cluster

    kubectl create ns doris
    kubectl apply -n doris -f 
  • Deploy Doris Cluster Monitor

    kubectl apply -n doris -f
  • View the Pod Status

    watch kubectl get po -n doris

    Once all components’ pods are started, each component type (FE, BE, CN, Broker) should be in the Running state.

Step 4: Connect to the Doris Cluster

  • Connect to Doris SQL Service

    Forward the FE Service in Kubernetes for local access:

    kubectl port-forward -n doris svc/doris-fe 8030:8030 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

    You can use the mysql command-line tool to connect to Doris.

    mysql -h -P 9030 -u root
  • Access Doris FE UI

    Forward the HTTP port of the FE Service in Kubernetes:

    kubectl port-forward -n doris svc/doris-fe 8030:8030 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

    Then open http://localhost:8030 in your browser.

  • Access Grafana Dashboard

    Forward the Grafana Service in Kubernetes for local access:

    kubectl port-forward -n doris svc/basic-monitor-grafana 3000:3000 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

    Then open http://localhost:3000 in your browser. The default username and password are both admin.

  • Explore Doris Grafana

Step 5: Destroy the Doris and Kubernetes cluster

After testing, you may want to destroy the Doris cluster and Kubernetes cluster.

  • Stop kubectl Port Forwarding

    If you still have kubectl processes running that forward ports, terminate them:

    pgrep -lfa kubectl
  • Destroy the Doris Cluster

    # Delete Doris Cluster
    kubectl delete dc basic -n doris
    # Delete Doris Monitor
    kubectl delete dm basic-monitor -n doris
    # Delete PV data and other resources
    kubectl delete pvc,secret,serviceaccount,rolebinding,role -n doris
  • Destroy Kubernetes Cluster

    kind delete cluster

See also

If you are interested in deploying a Doris cluster in production environments, refer to the following documents: