Manual Scaling Doris Cluster

This document introduces how to horizontally and vertically scale a Doris cluster on Kubernetes.

Horizontal Scaling

Horizontal scaling for Doris involves increasing or decreasing the number of Pods to achieve the scaling of the cluster. When scaling the Doris cluster, the Doris components are scaled based on the provided replicas value.

To scale FE, BE, CN, Broker horizontally, use kubectl to modify spec.<fe/be/cn/broker>.replicas in the DorisCluster object of the cluster to a desired value.

  1. Modify the replicas value for the Doris cluster components as needed. For example, the following command sets the replicas value for BE to 3:

    kubectl patch -n ${namespace} tc ${cluster_name} --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"be":{"replicas":3}}}'
  2. Check whether your configuration has been updated in the corresponding Doris cluster on Kubernetes.

    kubectl get doriscluster ${cluster_name} -n ${namespace} -o yaml
  3. Observe whether the DorisCluster Pods have been increased or decreased.

    watch kubectl -n ${namespace} get pod -o wide

For FE, BE, and Broker, it might take 30 seconds to 1 minute to complete scaling in or out.

  • The number of FE replicas should be odd, such as 1, 3, 5.
  • When the FE and BE components scale in, the PVC of the deleted node will be retained.

Decommiss Doris components before scaling in

In the current version of Doris Operator, when scaling in, the operator will not automatically delete the component’s metadata in FE. You need to manually decommission the component before scaling in. You can refer to the following SQL operations.

  • FE

    ALTER SYSTEM DROP FOLLOWER "<fe-host>:9010"
  • CN

    ALTER SYSTEM DROP BACKEND "<cn-host>:9050"
  • BE

    BE nodes should be safely decommissioned using DECOMMISSION.


    Check SystemDecommissioned status for the BE node using SHOW PROC '/backends';. When TabletNum is 0, it indicates a successful decommission.

    If the remaining BE node’s disk does not have enough space to accommodate the data migration, you can cancel DECOMMISSION using the following command, and Doris will redistribute the load later.

  • Broker

    ALTER SYSTEM DROP ALL BROKER "<broker-pod-name>:8000"

In future versions of Doris Operator, this process will be automated to simplify the scaling-in operation.

Vertical Capacity Scaling

Vertical scaling involves adjusting the resource limits of Pods, either by increasing or decreasing them, to achieve cluster scaling. Vertical scaling is essentially a rolling upgrade process for Pods.

To vertically scale FE, BE, CN, or Broker, modify the spec.<fe/be/cn/broker>.resources in the DorisCluster object corresponding to the cluster using kubectl.

You can monitor the progress of vertical scaling using the following command. Vertical scaling is complete when all Pods have been rebuilt and entered the Running state.

watch kubectl -n ${namespace} get pod -o wide